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Friday, June 7, 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024

Inglorious Treksperts podcast w/Susan Sackett


Thursday, August 31, 2023

PowerShell Defense Against Ransomware

PowerShell is used in 79% of Ransomware Attacks
This video explains what you can do about it
and why it's important to do something about it

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023

Russia says lunar lander has crashed

 Russia says its Luna-25 lunar lander has crashed into the moon

Russia's first moon lander in 47 years has crashed into the lunar surface, the country's space agency reported on Sunday (Aug. 20). 

The Luna-25 lander, which Russia had hoped would land at the south pole of the moon as early as Monday (Aug. 21), crashed into the moon after an orbital maneuver went wrong yesterday (Aug. 19), officials with Russia's Roscosmos space agency said. 

"At about 14:57 Moscow time [on Aug. 19], communication with the Luna-25 spacecraft was interrupted," Roscosmos wrote in an update on Telegram today (in Russian; translation by Google). "The measures taken on August 19 and 20 to search for the device and get into contact with it did not produce any results."


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Moon landing Anniversary

 54 Years Ago: Apollo 11 Crew
Walks on the Moon

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, lunar module pilot of Apollo 11, the first lunar landing mission, poses for a photograph beside the deployed United States flag during a walk on the lunar surface. The lunar module is on the left, and the footprints of the astronauts are clearly visible in the soil of the moon. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, mission commander, took this picture with a 70mm Hasselblad lunar surface camera.

Image Credit: NASA

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023


SpaceX Starship sub-orbital test flight ends in an RUD
(Rapid Unexpected Disassembly)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023




Sunday, March 26, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Lunar Flashlight

Launching 30 November 2022
Lunar Flashlight
to search for frozen water on the permanently
dark side of the southern pole of the moon

Creationist Science Museum?

 YouTube's SciManDan Shows how
creation theory and science really don't mix

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Tesla Semi Truck

Tesla semi truck is on the roads in two weeks

Friday, November 11, 2022

Late Grandfather
Army Veteran
75 year old Father
Air Force
Vietnam war veteran

50 year old Brother
Marine veteran

I salute you for your service to maintain America's freedom

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Don't Charge Your Phone Overnight


Charge your phone before you go to bed
not overnight while you sleep
This is what happens to your phone
when you leave it charging overnight

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Republican lawmakers are in full on attack mode against all Trans folks

One of the bill's sponsors said it's 'insane' that kids can have a gender identity 'when it is illegal for them to have sex...

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she supports Jan 6 rioters because trans kids have rights
She says she's the victim of the mob she helped to instigate...

Friday, October 14, 2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022

You Matter


Until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squared.

Then you energy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
The Herschel Walker Exception

Why do Republicans say abortion of any kind is wrong
but support a candidate who has paid for
abortions for his girlfriend/s

Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Do you believe they are out there?
Or are we deluding ourselves?

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

How to handle a bully


Sunday, October 2, 2022

About your privacy


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Focus on Ability

 A friend I've known for 12 years Leanne Froese and her husband Dale are in this video for the Canadian Institute for Inclusion & Citizenship and Inclusion BC. This is a very important work program in Canada to help get disabled individuals into a productive workplace to encourage inclusion and independence in our everyday lives.

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Curb-cut to nowhere

 The introduction of the ADA act happened in 1978 (Thank you George H.W. Bush) and 44 years later wheelchair drivers are still being thwarted by barriers built into construction. Curbs are the worst. Sudden drop offs that wheelchair drivers can't get over.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Computer System Update and Network Upgrade

 I am getting ready to do a major computer system update and upgrade.

Revamping the computer shelf is the first step. I have to make room for more equipment on my shelf 

What's going on the shelf?

  • Another desktop tower for testing other Linux operating systems and testing disability specific software in my endeavor to build the perfect fully accessible computer system.
  • a NAS (Network Attached Storage) for access to all of my information across multiple devices without cloud storage 
  • a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) so my main desktop computer and router can remain on in a power outage. The breakers in my building aren't the best and trip off often.
Ah the life of a computer Geek

Thursday, July 21, 2022

A gift of a UPS

 The gift of a UPS

I know you're asking, isn't UPS a shipping company? In this case the answer is no. A UPS in computing terms is an Uninterruptible Power Supply.

I was surprised this morning to be told there is a big box in the lobby for me. I wasn't expecting any deliveries so I was confused but low and behold there was a big box with my name on it from Amazon. No indication of who it was from or what was in the box. With some difficulty I got it back to my room and opened the big box to find a slightly smaller box inside (shown below). This particular UPS has an Amazon price of almost $200. What a fabulous gift to receive, especially for a compu-geek like me.

Unboxing to follow

The box in a box.

The back, Look at ll those outlets.

The front, image of display to come later.


Saturday, July 16, 2022


 I made a big boo boo on my computer yesterday.

I was moving my video files to a larger storage drive. Without even thinking about it I just started to cut and paste the videos to the new drive. Right in the middle of a 51 video transfer the breaker to my room tripped cutting the power to my room. That meant "BYE BYE" to those 51 videos. 

When you cut and paste files the cut files are held in the computer's buffer till they get copied to the new location then they are purged from the buffer.

Had I used "COPY" instead, the files would have remained in the old drive and I would have not lost a single one.

Lesson learned.

Monday, July 4, 2022

My PC Background

My newest PC background celebrating
my latest Linux operating system
EndeavourOS Artemis

If you want it just click the image then
right click that image and click
'Save Image As'

You can check out
all the Linux Distros at


Bad Placement Idea

 Not sure I'd want this switch plate in a child's room

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Bitc.... Beast is back

 I am very happy today 😀

As you might have read in a past post my main computer, The Beast has been down for a week awaiting a new motherboard. I got it a few days ago and that evening I did a complete rebuild. With the help of my cousin together we were able to install the newest build of Linux Arch EndeavourOS Artemis with the Gnome and Cinnamon desktop environments. That is the real beauty about the Linux system. With Windows you get... well... just Windows. With Linux you get many choices and flavors that you can mix and match to get the system you really want.

Anyway, on Thursday the 30th of June The Beast was back up to it's full glory.

Introducing The Beast 3.0

Monday, June 27, 2022

Disastrous Morning

 I woke up this morning thinking today was going to be a great day then I started to make my morning cup of coffee.

That's when the disastrous day began. My Fabulous Keurig coffee brewer bit the dust. No coffee for me for the next 4.5 days till I can get the brewer replaced.

Wish me luck

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Technological Distress

I have not had a desire to post lately. I am in a technological funk at the moment. My main go to comuter is down for the count from a GRUB error. [Back story: My cousin talked me int letting him edit my Linux kernel to remove all the Intel garbage not needed in my system, I use AMD processors. My cousin didn't notice that atleast two GRUB errors were created.] GRUB is a Linux kernel boot loader That starts the kernel of your choice. You can have multiple kernels on a processor but can only run one at a time. My main computer with all my imoprtant things has been down since then. My motherboard is rather old so the bios for it doesn't support bootable flash drives so My cousin couldn't fix the errors by reinstalling GRUB from a side install. So to fix the issue, my cousin has bought a new motherboard for The Beast, well not 2022 new but far newer than I have in it now. I am just waiting for it to get here to be installed and then the fixing of the error begins. Thank you Will for encouraging me to blog today. I'll be back

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Doing good in the neighborhood

 I have been a long time chatter in the Disabilities-R-us chat room. A great place to go when you need to talk to others with disabilities. No, this is not an advertisement. The other chatters there have been very beneficial to me over the years to help me maintain a good personal outlook seeing past the disabilities and being able to express the me inside.

I got the opportunity to return the kindness through peer counselling a new chatter in the room that is having pretty severe depression. That is one of the many reasons for the chat room.

It is a world wide chat so there are a world's worth of viewpoints and ideas to help people through most disability related issues.

If you have a disability or just want to check out the chat, stop on by by clicking the link below. Click the 'Enter Chat Room' button, create a nickname and come on in.

Disabilities-R-Us Chat Room

I guess it did turn into an advert.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Posting when I remember to

  I'm back;

I had some pretty severe computer issues but after a total rebuild with a new

  •  Motherboard
  • Cooling tower and fan
  • USB PCI card
  • Replacement SATA cables
I'm back up and running faster than before. Cross your fingers I don't have anymore issues that get in the way of my blogging

Other than the computer issues everything has been great. I'm looking forward to this summer (unbearable Phoenix heat aside). Maybe I'll have time to find a pool.

See you next week

Friday, April 29, 2022


First, allow me to appologize for my absence. (Internet woes) I would say I've been going through internet hell if I believed in the existance of hell. For privacy reasons I can't say what the issue was here but it has since been fixed and I am back online with a vengeance. (Lockdown) We at the ALF have been taken off lockdown totally so I'm free to come and go as I wish but having visitors inside the facility is still a no no because there are some here still at risk but I can vist my friends outside the facility. (Resuming computer building) I have been making an attempt to build a complete computer system that will be friendly to all or almost all disabilties people may have. The internet oes mentioned above had put that project on hold temporarily but now the endeavour is back on with full force. (Back up camera RaspberryPi) Another project I am working on is a back up camera for my power wheelchair. There are back up cameras available on the market for power wheelchair but they are prohibitively expensive, however I have the skillsand RaspberryPi has the technology to create a back up camera for a much more affordable price. More to come on this project. I am moving my blog updates to Friday for a much better time frame. See you next Friday.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

 Forced to alter my online activity:

I have been forced to alter my internet activity because of the internet service provider (ISP) outages plaguing my area. Internet access is spotty at best. Until they get the issues fixed my blog updates will come sporadically.

Updates to the blog:

I have added a new RSS feed from NASA's Astronomy Image of the Day. You can find it on the left news feed at the bottom. Clicking the links will open the images in a new browser tab.

Coronavirus Lockdown:

The facility I live in is still on lockdown because of the new infection rates in my area. Now that Arizona has ditched the daily new infection reporting and started reporting weekly we are using the weekly average which has yet to reach the number needed to release the lockdown.

See you in the next post.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

 I finally got past my Google site access problem. What was my Google site problem you ask? I'm so glad you asked. Everyone has been recommending people use a VPN for internet privacy and that's a good thing but with everything there is a down side. Google has started blocking VPN access which blocks VPN users from accessing any Google service which kept me form posting to my blog or editing my website. Enter "Tor Proxy"! Using a Tor Proxy negates the need for a VPN and gives you a static virtual IP. 

The results are in from my sleep study. It is confirmed that I have sleep apnea. I have an upcoming appointment with my Pulmonologist to discuss my options other than a C-pap machine. With my severe claustrophobia, having my face covered is not an option.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Medical Transportation woes

 My medical transportation woes continue. I finally got my sleep study done after being rescheduled 5 times, mostly because transportation never showed up to take me. 

The first one was cancelled by the sleep study without informing me which left me with no ride home so I had to drive my power chair 11.4 miles in the middle of the night.

Second time: Transportation never showed up to take me there.

Third time: I got a Covid infection and was put on quarantine for 10 days.

Fourth time: Transportation refused to take me without a negative Covid test on file.

Fifth time: I got to the study and through the study but transportation was a no show to take me home. Had to drive my chair the 11.4 miles again to get home. At least this time it was day time.

Oh the woes of relying on others to get where you're going.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

One day I'll get the right day for posting

I know, I know, I'm late again. My internet woes continue with sudden disconnects and low connectivity. maybe with enough complaints my ISP will fix the issue. I have a pair of new automotive horns installed on my power chair but having an issue wiring it up from battery access. When I get it wired I will post a YouTube video. The Covid lockdown continues but I'm getting ready for the day I get to leave the ALF for something other than medical appointments. Imagine being locked in your house for two years, not allowed to leave or have visitors. More to come next week.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Wednesday blog on Friday

 I know, I know. I'm two days late with this post.

Things have been rather weird here. The internet is still going in and out but only in the AM. I'm guessing it's waiting for the coffee to kick in. All we can do is go with the flow.

I finally got my Linux virtual machine to work right so now I can run programs designed for Windows in my Linux Mint. I should say my cousin got it to work right.

I got a scare when I found a lump on my left leg. I saw a dermatologist about it and it is just fibrous tissue, nothing to worry about so I'm not getting it removed. Diabetes makes it far riskier to have it removed.

See you next Wednesday